
4th grade activities

Page history last edited by Jennifer Verschoor 9 years, 6 months ago


Creating a Digital Story












Let´s start working with Pirates




Talking Characters







Honest Johnny Mow-Tor Mail

Talking Postcard



             Munk Yourself                                Talking Pets                                      Monk-e- Mail    


Doggie & Kittie-Mail








KidsKnowIt Network

Learning Science


Learning about the Web Scrapbook

Let´s read and create word clouds

Interactive websites

Our Voki  Grammaropolis
Fodey  Kerpoof 
Puzzle and reading
Play tic tac toe
Miamiopia  Parts of the house
Parts of the bathroom
Create your own games
Using plug ins
Creating my story
Cartoon creator
Go animate


Learning prepositions


Flash Hangman Game: Students must guess the correct preposition.


Basketball Game: In order to win the basketball match you have to choose the best preposition for each sentence.


Preposition Desert – Help the baby kangaroo rats arrive home before it rains!! Students must determine if the word is a preposition of the object of the preposition.


Find the hidden mouse: Elementary game to learn prepositions of place. Point to the different points in the room to learn the prepositions.


Tidy your room: Learn the prepositions of place and tidy up your room. The teacher must dictate where you have to put every object.



Parts of the body





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